匈牙利國家藥學及營養研究院(以下簡稱OGYéI)根據1999年《不吸煙者保護和煙草制品消費和分配的某些規定》(以下簡稱“Nvt.”)第XLII號法規第7 / D和7/ I條,評估了電子煙、一次性電子煙和可填充容器/液體的通告。
In Hungary, the National Institute of Pharmacyand Nutrition (hereinafter referred to as OGYéI) assesses thenotification ofelectronic cigarettes, disposable electronic cigarettes and refillcontainers/liquids according toSections 7/D and 7/I of the Act XLII of 1999 onthe Protection of Non-Smokers and Certain Regulations on theConsumption andDistribution of Tobacco Products(hereinafter referred to as Nvt.).
相關規定載于Nvt., 政府法令第39/2013(II.14.)條關于煙草的生產,投放市場和控制,根據聯合警告以及適用醫療保健處罰的詳細規定(以下簡稱政府令)和法令第30/2016 (X. 3.) EMMI條中與市場上投放的電子煙、可填充容器和模擬吸煙的電子設備的通告相關的行政服務費的變更以及根據歐洲議會和理事會第2014/40/EU條指令進行的相關變更(以下簡稱EMMI法令)。
The relevant provisions arecontained in the Nvt., in the Government Decree 39/2013 (II. 14.) on theProduction, Placing on the Market and Control of Tobacco Products, on CombinedWarnings, and the Detailed Provisions on the Application of HealthcarePenalties (hereinafter referred to as Government Decree) and in the Decree30/2016 (X. 3.) EMMI on the Administrative Service Fees Charged in Connectionwith Notifications for Placing Electronic Cigarettes, Refill Containers andElectronic Devices Imitating Smoking on the Market and for the Related Changes(hereinafter referred to as EMMI Decree) in accordance with Directive2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
According to Section 21/A Subsection (7) ofthe Government Decree ?Contrary to Paragrapha) of Subsection (1) of Section19/B and Paragraph b) of Subsection (1) of Section 19/C, electroniccigarettes,refill containers and electronic devices imitating smoking withmenthol or fruit flavoring may be placed on the market until 20 May 2020.”
Forthis reason, in the forthcoming period flavored refill containers/liquids,disposable electronic cigarettesand kit-packs which contain flavored refill liquidswill be deleted from Hungary.
Theseproducts cannot be marketed in Hungary after 20th May 2020.