EK-MARK certification is a type certification system supervised by theKorean government.It has been replaced by a new security certification system.The new certification work is undertaken by several private enterprises. Theyare KTL, KETI, ESAK. The newly revised Electrical Safety Regulation ACT 6019was promulgated on September 7, 1999.The newly revised Electrical Safety Codehas improved the safety control of production and use of electrical appliances,and has also made safety standards more international so that they can bemutually recognized in the future. The new Electrical Safety Code was formallyimplemented on July 1, 2000.
Korea'sproduct regulations are similar to those of Europe. South Korea's safety signsare based on South Korea's safety regulations. The regulation was amended inJuly 1, 2000. There are four main amendments:
1. Korea's safety regulationsclassify electronic products into two categories: compulsory products withEK-marks and non-compulsory products with K-marks.
2. The first factory inspectionsand annual factory inspections, including factories outside Korea, both aremandatory.
3. South Korea's electronic safetystandards are in line with the IEC standard.
4. The certificate holder must bea manufacturer.
EK-Mark logo should be marked on the productlabel. The EK-Mark logo also needs to be marked with the issuing unit (e.g.KTL) and the certificate number.
Document requirements:
CB report and certificate and contains testreports specified in Korea.
Application form.
Factory Questionnaire.
EMC test report.
Labels written in Korean.
Technical documentation of products inEnglish.
Circuit schematic, BOM, PCB layout.
Product photos.
User manual in Korean.
Basic information of Korean agents.