MEPS is the AustralianEnergy Efficiency Classification Marking. In the mid-1970s, two of Australia'slargest states, New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria, jointly proposed theimplementation of the energy labeling system, but it was not until 1986 thatthe mandatory labeling system was introduced.In 1992, five states and oneterritory agreed to implement the compulsory labeling system, in 2000, thecompulsory labeling system began nationwide. At present, in Australia,refrigerators, chillers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, singleair-conditioners must be affixed with mandatory energy efficiency labels, andgas water heaters and other three types of products using gas and natural gasto implement voluntary energy efficiency labels.
Australia's EnergyRating Label system also uses a self-declaration similar to the European Union,And companies should register energy efficiency information about theirproducts with the Australian greenhouse Gas Office. In order to ensure theaccuracy of energy efficiency information declared by manufacturers, theAustralian government has implemented a government testing scheme: purchasingelectrical appliances from retail outlets and sending them to accreditedthird-party laboratories for testing. If the test results indicate that themanufacturer has made a false statement, a series of sanctions will be imposedon the manufacturer in accordance with state laws, and product registrationwill be cancelled. The initial inspection and testing fees are borne by the government,and any follow-up fees for verifying or overturning the initial test resultsare borne by the supplier. In order to encourage manufacturers to improve theirenergy efficiency, the Australian government has also set up anaward (TESAW) toencourage the most efficient star-rated products on the market.At present, onlyelectrical and gas products are involved. This honor is updated every year. Inorder to meet the TESAW award, the product must meet the minimum energyefficiency standard. Manufacturers must also promise that their products meetthe requirements of the award.
Applicationprocedures of MEPS
Products subject to energy efficiencyregulations must be registered and labeled before they can be sold on themarket. Products that apply for registration meet the minimum requirementsof relevantstandards. Applications are accepted by the competent government agencies,either by the competent authorities of the state/SAR or by the competentauthorities of other states/SARs (NSW, VIC, QUEENSLAND, SA). All states/SARsrecognize the results of registration in other states/SARs.
Products tested according to the relevantstandards, and conforms to the second part of the performance standards.
Products that are included in the minimumenergy performance standards will also meet the MEPS requirements of the secondpart.
Manufacturers send samples for testing(approved ISO17025 testing institutions)
Water heater products mustmeet MEPSrequirements.
Australian domestic applicant or principalagent in Australia.
Written application to the registrar andpayforit.
Evaluation of energy efficiency rating;
Manufacturers or importers submit productsfor testing;
Affixed energy efficiency rating label;
Registration and identification by productcategory.
Accredited testing organizations fortesting
Submit written application and annex to theregistration authority and pay the registration fee.
Application contents include:
A written application;
An applicant or an authorizedrepresentative indicating that the product conforms to the relevant standards;
Test results and calculations in accordancewith the second part of the relevant standards;
Sample of electrical marking to be used;
Test report according to the formatspecified in the corresponding standard.
Product category
Registration and labeling, applicable tofive categories of electrical appliances: refrigerators, washing machines,dryers, dishwashers, air conditioners.