The Environmental Protection Agency is an independent agency of theUnited States federal government for environmental protection. PresidentRichard Nixon proposed the establishment of EPA on July 9, 1970and it beganoperation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order. The orderestablishing the EPA was ratified by committee hearings in the House andSenate. The agency is led by its Administrator, who is appointed by thePresident and approved by Congress. The current acting Administrator followingthe resignation of Scott Pruitt is Deputy Administrator Andrew Wheeler. The EPAis not a Cabinet department, but the Administrator is normally given cabinetrank.
The EPA has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., regional officesfor each of the agency's ten regions, and 27 laboratories. The agency conductsenvironmental assessment, research, and education. It has the responsibility ofmaintaining and enforcing national standards under a variety of environmentallaws, in consultation with state, tribal, and local governments. It delegatessome permitting, monitoring, and enforcement responsibility to U.S. states andthe federally recognized tribes. EPA enforcement powers include fines,sanctions, and other measures. The agency also works with industries and alllevels of government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution preventionprograms and energy conservation efforts.
The Environmental Protection Agency can only act under statutes,which are the authority of laws passed by Congress. Congress must approve thestatute and they also have the power to authorize or prohibit certain actions,which the EPA has to implement and enforce. Appropriations statutes authorizehow much money the agency can spend each year to carry out the approved statutes.The Environmental Protection Agency has the power to issue regulations. Aregulation is a standard or rule written by the agency to interpret thestatute, apply it in situations and enforce it. Congress allows the EPA towrite regulations in order to solve a problem, but the agency must include arationale of why the regulations need to be implemented. The regulations can bechallenged by the Courts, where the regulation is overruled or confirmed. Manypublic health and environmental groups advocate for the agency and believe thatit is creating a better world. Other critics believe that the agency commitsgovernment overreach by adding unnecessary regulations on business and propertyowners.
Certification scope:
Inspection and certification of diesel engine equipment, gasolineengine equipment, retail auto parts, gases, water treatment equipment, drinkingwater, pesticides, etc.
Certification procedure:
Application for manufacturer code.
Submit samples and product information.
Laboratory testing of samples.
Audit process:
EPA needs 30 days (minimum time) to examine the materials submittedto determine whether it meets its requirements. As part of the review process,the EPA will determine whether additional information is required and/orwhether verification tests are required.