SASO is the abbreviation of Saudi Arabianstandard organization.SASO is responsible for the development of nationalstandards for all commodities and products, including measurement systems,labels, etc.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce ofSaudi Arabia and SASO require that all products included in the SASOCertification Standard be certified as SASO when entering Saudi Customs.Products without SASO certificates will be refused entry by Saudi port customs.
SASO certification covers all products usedby adults and children in residence, office or entertainment, all motorvehicles and spare parts, and building products. These products can beclassified into the following categories:
Air conditioning, refrigeration equipment,heating equipment
Compressor and fan
Household electrical and electronicequipment
Household pressure cooker
Wire and cable
Fax machine
Household switches and circuit breakers
Lamps and lighting equipment
Elevator and lift system
Electrical and electronic equipment foroffice use
Personal computer
Power Supply
Motor vehicles and spare parts
Building products, coatings, etc.
Certification procedures:
Apply to the consulting company, and theconsulting company informs the enterprise of the product certificationprocedure according to the product category and the requirements of SASO.
Enterprises submit product samples fortesting in accordance with the certification procedures, and some products(such as some motor vehicles and accessories products) need factory inspection.
After the product is tested and qualified,the enterprise obtains the SASO certificate; if the product is tested andunqualified, the enterprise will be given a detailed description.
The products are exported to Saudi Arabiaand the SASO certificate is issued when the goods enter the customs, and thetechnical personnel of Saudi Arabian Standards Organization will inspect thecertificate; if the SASO certificate is not issued, the products will berefused entry or sampled to the laboratory of Saudi Ministry of Industry andCommerce or Saudi Standards Organization for inspection, such as inspection. Ifthe product fails, the product will be refused entry, and all the expenses willbe borne by the exporters.