The United States Department ofTransportation (USDOT or DOT) is a federal Cabinet department ofthe U.S. government concerned with transportation. It was established by an actof Congress on October 15, 1966, and began operation on April 1, 1967. It isgoverned by the United States Secretary of Transportation.
Its responsibility is todevelop and improve transport-related laws and regulations, to make a series ofregulations on all kinds of vehicles and dangerous goods entering the UnitedStates, and to issue certificates. We are committed to maintaining trafficsafety and promoting economic development to meet the needs of environment andnational defense.
The Department ofTransportation (DOT) clearly stipulates that any application for compliance withthe Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) to DOT must be based on themanufacturer's understanding of the OVSC (Vehicle Safety Compliance Office)laboratory testing procedures and production in accordance with DOT productsafety specifications. That is to say, DOT specifies the laboratory testingprocedures, laboratory testing equipment, test tolerances, product standardrequirements, specific testing procedures, and testing report requirements foreach specification of motor vehicles and parts. All manufacturers exportingmotor vehicles and parts to the United States must ensure that their productsmeet DOT laboratory testing procedures.