Association Fran?aise de Normalisation (AFNOR, en: FrenchStandardization Association[1]) is the French national organization forstandardization and its International Organization for Standardization memberbody.The French Standardization Association directs the technical work of 17major standardization planning groups and coordinates their work with thePlanning Committee. Each planning group has a Strategic Guidelines Committee,which focuses on policy makers in the relevant economic areas, identifiespriorities, participates in the search for funding, and allocates funds forscheduled projects.
Classification of NFstandards
There are about 20 thousand French standards, which are divided intofour broad categories:
- basic standards, involving terms, methods, marks and symbols, etc.
- product standards stipulate the product and the performancerequirements.
- Test methods and analytical standards for testing theseproperties;
- management and service standards relate to the mode of operation,connection and service activities of enterprises.
NF products, services andsystem certification
NF product certification: including industrial products, massconsumer goods, eco label and agricultural products.
NF service certification is a voluntary NF mark certification thatcertifies that the quality and reliability of a service conform to the qualityand performance stipulated by French, European and international standards. Itinvolves moving yards, furniture storage units, travel agencies, emergencyrepairs and towing, passenger transport, personal safety, and lifelongeducation. France is well-known for its tourism service standards, includinghospitality, hotels, transportation and satisfaction surveys.
NF certification also includes ISO9000 and ISO14000 systemcertification.
1. Submit applications
2. Declarations (i.e. contracts signed) authorize hander company tobe the NF plenipotentiary for the applicant.
3. Send samples and documents submitted, Han de engineer assists indocument preparation and sample guidance.
4. Sampletest
5. Factory inspection (factory inspection by audit institutions)
6. Issuing certificates
Manufacturers who provide CB test certificates should submit thefollowing documents:
(1) Application form
(2) Application letter giving name and address.
(3) CB test certificate
(4) CB test report
When a CB test certificate is submitted for national accreditation,UTE will notify the applicant whether a sample of the product needs to besubmitted. UTE is prepared to recognize the attachment of the CB testcertificate and the test report including the French national difference. UTErecognised the CB test certificate obtained by non member manufacturers inaccordance with program 1. The factory inspection before issuing thecertificate is required. The inspection requirements are in accordance with thespecial rules. The factory supervision and inspection after the event arerequired. The inspection requirements are in accordance with the special rules.Samples are required for follow-up testing and the test fees for these samplesare charged according to the product unless the certificate is cancelled inadvance due to non-conformity or at the request of the applicant.