BS Certification
BritishStandards (BS) are the standards produced by the BSI Group which isincorporated under a Royal Charter (and which is formally designated as theNational Standards Body (NSB) for the UK). The BSI Group produces BritishStandards under the authority of the Charter. BSI Group was founded as theEngineering Standards Committee in London in 1901. It subsequently extended itsstandardization work and became the British Engineering Standards Associationin 1918, adopting the name British Standards Institution in 1931 afterreceiving a Royal Charter in 1929. In 1998 a revision of the Charter enabledthe organization to diversify and acquire other businesses, and the tradingname was changed to BSI Group.
TheGroup now operates in 182 countries. The core business remains standards andstandards related services, although the majority of the Group's revenue comesfrom management systems assessment and certification work.
Certification process:
1)Application: The applicant provides information on the enterprise profile andproduct description, such as product type, name, parts list, drawings, workingprinciple diagram, technical parameter table, operation instructions, etc.
2) Sampletesting: The testing will be carried out in accordance with applicablestandards and may be carried out in any laboratory of the manufacturer orlaboratory of an inspection institution stationed in any country.
3) Factoryinspection: The factory inspection before issuing the certificate and regularor irregular supervision after the certificate. Prior to the factory review,the company will assist the manufacturer in conducting a self-examination ofproduction facilities, laboratory equipment, metrology and the overall qualitysystem against BSI requirements. If the inspector requests the rectificationduring the inspection, the company will assist the manufacturer to discuss therectification measures as soon as possible and implement them quickly until there-inspection is qualified.
4)Issue BSIcertificate.