GSin Gemany (GeprUfteSicherheit), It is a voluntary certification mark based on German law.Itwas promulgated by the German Ministry of Labor in 1977, based on the GermanEquipment Product Safety Act (GPSG), and is recognized as a German safetycertification mark in the European market.The GS logo indicates that the usesafety of the product has been tested by a credible independent body.
GS, although notlegally mandatory, does enable manufacturers to be subject to stringent German(European) product safety laws when product failures cause accidents.Therefore, GS logo is a powerful market tool, which can enhance customerconfidence and desire to buy. Although GS is a German standard, most Europeancountries agree. In addition to meeting GS certification, products will alsomeet the CE logo requirements of the European community. GS logo is not legallymandatory, but because safety awareness has penetrated the general consumer, aGS logo of electrical appliances in the market may be more competitive than thegeneral product.
Products applying forGS logos and certificates must be tested by third-party independentcertification bodies such as TUV Southern Deutsche Group. Including acomprehensive safety test of a sample, but also to check whether the productionof the product meets the relevant requirements. When the GS logo is issued, thecertification authority has the responsibility to carry out factory inspectionevery year. About 3000 kinds of consumer goods and industrial products can beissued the certification mark.
The scope of GScertification is for products ready for use, not for parts and productcomponents.
Products include:
1. Consumer products(household appliances, lamps, equipment, etc.
2. Industrialequipment (production equipment, laboratory equipment, etc.)
3. Products can becharged and uncharged.
Certification process:
1) Application: The applicant submits therequired documents. For electrical products, it is necessary to submit theassembly drawings, electrical schematic drawings, material lists, product usageor installation instructions, and the differences between series models.
2) Sample testing: The testing will becarried out in accordance with applicable standards and may be carried out inany laboratory of the manufacturer or laboratory of an inspection institutionstationed in any country.
3) Factory inspection: GS certificationrequires inspection of safety related procedures for production sites.
4) Issue GS certificate.