The CB system (IEC system for electrical product qualificationtesting and certification) is an international system for IECEE operation.Thecertification bodies of IECEE member states test the safety performance ofelectrical products on the basis of IEC standards. Their test results, namelyCB test report and CB test certificate, are mutually recognized in the systemof IECEE member states. The aim is to reduce international trade barriersarising from the need to meet the criteria for certification or approval bydifferent countries. IECEE is the abbreviation of the IEC electrical productsqualification testing and certification organization.
Scope of CB system.
The product covered by the CB system is the product of the IECstandard recognized by the IECEE system. The new IEC standards will be adoptedby the CB system when more than three member states declare that they want andsupport a standard to join the CB system. The current IEC standard is publishedon the CB bulletin and IECEE website.
At present, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is not included inthe CB system unless the IEC standard is used. But the CB system has begun toinvestigate its members'willingness to conduct EMC measurements with safetytests. The findings of this survey will be published in the CB communique asthe theme.
Member states of CB system
Up to now, 66 accreditation bodies and more than 270 CB laboratoriesin 51 countries have participated in the system. The member countriesparticipating in the CB system include all major exporters of China'selectromechanical products.
Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,China, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Britain,Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico,Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland Portugal, Russia, Romania, Singapore,Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States,Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Malaysia, Sweden, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Uruguay,
Since the reform and opening up, China has begun to implement thesocialist market economy, domestic market and international trade have beendeveloping rapidly. Many export enterprises in China are unable to enter theinternational market because they do not understand the requirements of thecertification system of various countries, and their prices are far lower thanthe certified products of the same kind in the host country. Therefore, theseenterprises have to spend very precious foreign exchange every year, apply forforeign certification and issued inspection reports by foreign inspectioninstitutions. In order to meet the needs of international trade, the state hasgradually implemented an internationally recognized certification system. OnMay 7, 1991, the State Council promulgated the Regulations of the People'sRepublic of China on Product Quality Certification, and the StateAdministration of Technical Supervision also promulgated some rules for theimplementation of the Regulations to ensure that the certification work iscarried out in an orderly manner. Since its establishment in 1954, the ChinaElectrical Products Certification Committee has been striving to obtaininternational mutual recognition in order to serve the export of electricalproducts. In June 1991, the China Electrical Products Certification Committeewas accepted by the International Electrical Commission's Electrical ProductsSafety Certification Organization (iEcEE) Management Committee (Mc) as the accreditationand issuance of C. B certification national certification body. The nine teststations under the IECEE-CCB system will be accepted as CB laboratory(Certified Institution Laboratory). All relevant electrical products will beapproved by the 30 member states of IECEE-CCB system as long as the enterprisehas obtained the certificate and test report issued by the commission,basically eliminating the need to send samples to the importing country fortesting, thus saving both cost and time. The certification certificate of thecountry is highly beneficial to the export products.
The role of CB certificate
Enterprises that have obtained a certificate of CB testing are infavor of exporting electrical products for use in homes, offices, workshops andsimilar establishments that "directly involve personal safety. Suchproducts are subject to compulsory certification in some countries, i.e. theyare allowed to export to the country only after they have obtained acertificate of conformity in that country and are sold on the market in thatcountry. . Even in countries without compulsory certification, consumers arewilling to buy products with certification marks for their own safety. As aresult, large department stores only sell certified products and sell them athigher prices than those certified by cards. Just as China sells electric toolsto Hong Kong businessmen, they charge $2 more for products with a CBcertificate than for products without a certificate. Certified products canprotect the safety of users. Easy to sell and the price is relatively high, inaddition, the sale of products without certification enterprises also bear therisk of compensation for losses, once judged as a result of the loss ofproducts to consumers or property, the enterprise has the responsibility tocompensate. This kind of accident will bring bad consequences to our country inthe international market. It is difficult to find customers for this kind ofproducts in the international trade. Therefore, not only is it economicallylost, it also loses credibility. How to obtain the certificate of certificationof the importing country can adopt two procedures to obtain the certificate:the first procedure is that the product has obtained the CB test certificate,using the certificate with CB test report to apply to the importing country forthe certificate of certification of that country; the second procedure is thatthe product has not obtained the CB test certificate, directly to the importingcountry. If the second procedure is adopted, the applicant must first send thesample to the designated testing laboratory in the importing country fortesting according to the number of samples prescribed by the nationalcertification authority of the importing country, and pay the testing fee.After the sample has passed the test, the national certification authority ofthe country sends inspectors or entrusts the testing station of our country toinspect the quality assurance ability of the applicant enterprise. After theinspection is qualified, the applicant can obtain the certificate ofcertification of the country and use their logo. If the first procedure isadopted, the applicant only needs to obtain the CB test certificate and CB. Thetest report (with the test results of the items according to the differencesproposed by the country) is sent to the national certification authority of thecountry. The test results can be approved without sending samples or onlysending individual samples for review. Finally, the national certificationauthority of the country can obtain the certification certificate if thequality assurance capability of the factory is examined and qualified. Use thelogo of the certification body of the country. Comparing the two programs, wecan see that the first program is simpler and more economical than the secondone. After obtaining the certificate of CB test issued by China ElectricalProducts Certification Committee, Chinese enterprises apply to the membercountries of CB system for the certification certificate of their nationalcertification authority, which is economical and time-saving.